Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Vote! Which book should I read/review next? (2)

Last time I did this, it went over pretty well. I obviously want to review books you want to hear about, so tell me, which one/two do you want to see me read soonest!!? :)

Three of these are the endings to great series: Fox Forever, Rise, and Requiem. I want to read them so badly, but at the same time--then they'll be over! :O

I read the four prequel shorts for Throne of Glass and they were quite enjoyable, so it looks promising!

Venom, Poison and Going Vintage are all one ones I haven't heard much about, but they look pretty fascinating. (And the covers are neat. ;))

And Falling Kingdoms looks ahhmazing, but I don't believe I've read a single review on it yet...so...yep.

I need your help deciding. Meanwhile, I'll work on some books I just got from the library. Don't worry, there's only five of them. :)

Let me know in the comments below! (love comments SO much.)



  1. For review I pick Venom! I'm really curious about that one :). But you should read Throne of Glass, because it's amazing!!!

  2. throne of glass would be my choice

  3. I really wold love to see a review on Going vintage or Falling Kingdoms.

  4. I would pick Falling Kingdoms!
